Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Flowchart of Diagnosing and Repair

Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts Third Edition - PDF Now Available

Eight of the troubleshooting flowcharts for PC hardware from my book "Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts Third Edition" are excerpted on this site and linked below. The non-active links are for charts that are included in the book but not available online. The Third Edition is 170 pages and includes seventeen flowcharts for troubleshooting PCs plus explanatory text for every decision symbol on every flowchart. The troubleshooting process is the same for an expensive Sony or IBM, or a cheaper eMachines or Acer. Dell and HP (who purchased Compaq) manufacture desktop PC's in a wide range of price points, but you have to go through the same troubleshooting steps for the cheap ones as the expensive ones if you want to correctly identify and repair the failure.The PDF eBook is available for instant download or the paperback book can ordered from Amazon for $19.95, or fromAmazon UK for £13.95 or through any retail store by the title "Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts Third Edition" or ISBN 0972380183. International customers outside of countries served by Amazon will normally get the best price through theBook Depository .
diagnostic flowcharts poster image

  • Boot Failure Troubleshooting Poster ( 30" x 30" printable PDF). Zoom to 100% after it opens or you'll barely be able to read it! Poster not for sale, but you are authorized to print a copy for personal or classroom use. To print at full size requires an "E" size plotter or a large copy shop printer. My local copy shop charged $7.00 to print a copy.
Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts Third Edition: Troubleshooting PC Hardware Problems from Boot Failure to Poor Performance, is not for absolute beginners, as you can see from looking at any of the diagnostic charts. There are no photo-illustrations in the book, no history, nor explanations of basic computer part functions, like "What's a hard drive?" The focus of the book is teaching a structured approach to PC repair. The intended audience is hobbyists who already have some experience repairing computers or beginning computer technicians. The book has been adopted as a class text in several technical colleges and vocational training programs. A free evaluation copy is available to instructors of PC repair courses who can demonstrate they are on the faculty of recognized educational institution in the U.S.The PC diagnostics apply to ATX computers, which displaced the old AT standard beginning in the mid-90's. Although I included a few "live power" troubleshooting procedures for advanced techs with their insurance all paid up, the rule for ATX systems is to unplug the power supply before working in the case. The general approach in the diagnostic flowcharts is to try to push parts swapping off until the end, so that readers without a large stock of spare parts will have a chance to fix the problem without spending money. Flowchart critics please note that my main design approach was to avoid crossed lines, which I believe make flowcharts useless.

Computer Hardware Repair & Diagnostic Flowchart
computer repair flowchart

=> My Computer won't even turn on when I press the start button!

=> PC turns on but shuts down right away, or stays on but nothing happens.

=> My computer turns on but fails the POST (Power On Self Test).

=> Unstable Power Supply .

& more...

Computer Repair Flowchart

Hard Drives & Partitions Errors Troubleshoot Flowchart
Hard Drive troubleshoot flowchart

=> No System Disk Found or Boot Partition Errors!

=> Boot Sector Not Found.

=> NTLDR is Missing.

=> Bad Sectors.

& more...

Hard Drive Troubleshoot Flowchart

Motherboard Troubleshoot & Diagnostic Flowchart
Motherboard diagnostic flowchart

=> Defective RAM.

=> Burned CPU.

=> Hardware Conflict.

=> Bad Adapters.

& more...

Motherboard Troubleshoot Flowchart

Video Card Troubleshoot Flowchart
Video-card troubleshoot flowchart

=> Nothing on the screen.

=> Wrong Settings, hardware conflicts.

=> Faulty cables.

=> Windows loads only in safe mode

& more...

Video card Troubleshoot Flowchart

Data Recovery
Data Recovery

=> I NEED to Save / Recover my Data!

=> Erased Partition & Data.

=> Hard Drive not spinning up data recovery.

Go to Data Recovery

Windows XP Reset
Windows xp repair

=> No POST (Power On Self Test) error, but my computer won't boot Windows XP
Go to Windows XP Repair

=> Windows XP loads properly, but the system gives errors
Windows XP Restore

=> I prefer to Re-Install Windows XP, as my system is falling apart.
Windows XP Install Guide

Virus, Trojans & other Malwares
viruses and malwares

=> Free Antivirus Scan.
Anti-Virus Scan

=> Free Spyware Scan.
Spyware Scan

=> Free Firewall.
Go to Firewalls

=> Free Registry Scan.
Registry Scanners

Not Sure what the problem is, need a Systematic Hardware Test!
Systematic PC check-up

=> My computer is giving me Errors and crashes not sure why, I need to start with a
Quick Hardware Check

=> I get that famous Blue Screen!
Start with a full Hardware Check

=> I have NO IDEA what is wrong or where to begin!
Begin Here

=> I wish I could just ask someone.
Go to our Computer Repair Forum

Computer Repair Flowchart.

(Computer Repair Tricks, made as easy as 1, 2, 3, computer fixed!)


Welcome to Fixing my computer, theAbsolutely FREE computer repair guide. This site navigates you through a computer repair flowchart with one question at a time.

Fixing my Computer is designed to be as easy and complete as possible. It has two main (interconnected) sections:
Hardware problems (failure) andsoftware problems (including fixing devices & peripherals).

Follow the steps systematically to repair your computer specially in the Hardware section as SAFETY might become an issue.

Fixing my Computer is best suited for Personal Computers (PC) usingWindows Xp. Other computers can also be repaired using this site as a general guide. I do however recommend that you read your user manual first in order to be aware of your hardware specifications.

Can it fix my

(If nothing is damaged then most probably your computer can be repaired!)

Here are a few of the problems that can be fixed with the computer repair flowchart:

> blue screen problems.

> overheating & cooling solutions.

> OS locked up, password recovery.

> Unbootable systems.

> PC won't start at all.

> Keeps shuting down.

> not responding at all.

> Computer is freezing.

> Virus, worm, spyware, trojans,...

> Boot partition issues.

> Computer hanging & freezing.

> Windows Xp Troubleshoot.

> Devices not found.
     and much more...

Learn about your computer and save money by repairing it yourself!

Repairing a computer is not that technical when you know what the parts do. At first, you'll always need someone with more experience with PC to ask the questions that are tricky. But the most important thing is to learn where to find the right information. The good thing is that you have already started that process and you are already one step closer to get your computer repaired yourself!

Put Safety FIRST always (even when fixing your PC).

Repairing a computer is rather very safe. The only High Voltages is found in the power supply. There are few rules to adhere to, the first one being to use common sense. Make sure you follow this Computer repair guide thoroughly, in order to protect your safety, and hardware parts. The first step is a quick safety review specialized for computer repairs. Do not skip it! It might cost you your health or your computer (or both).

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